21. November 2024
TSI Youngsters hosted by Deutsche Bank
TSI Youngsters is intended to establish itself as an exciting and recurring series of events for young and aspiring talents in the securitisation market.
This exclusive after-work event is the perfect way to unwind and wrap up the day in style.
Each event will start with a keynote speech or expert knowledge by a renowned industry expert, who will provide insights into current market developments and trends.
The main goal of TSI Youngsters is to engage and empower the next generation of talents and emerging professionals in the securitisation network by providing them with free networking opportunities.
Our event series offers a platform where junior professionals can make valuable connections, get to know the network and its key players, and actively shape the future of the securitisation industry.
Target Group:
The target audience of TSI Youngsters includes young talents from all stakeholders in the securitisation market. We specifically invite participants from the TSI partner network, including rating agencies, law firms, banks, service providers and other relevant players. Additionally, we extend invitations to the networks of our partners.
Our invitations are crafted to appeal particularly to the younger generation, although no age group is excluded. We firmly believe that the exchange between emerging talents and experienced professionals is valuable for everyone involved. Therefore, we create an environment where participants have the opportunity to interact with each other as well as with established experts.
Panel discussion: "A Kaleidoscopic view on current trends in securitisation"
Robert Ochmann, Trust & Agency Services Sales
Matthias Guder, Asset Based Finance Europe
Sebastian Rieger, Credit Structuring
Gunhad Singh, Cross Product Structuring
Deutsche Bank's brings together young experts from a range of teams including Lender Finance, Synthetic Securitization and Trade Finance to provide an overview of market trends in the asset-based finance space. The informal panel will be structured as an interactive session with many opportunities for Q&A and followed by a Networking Reception with Snacks & Drinks.
Get Together with snacks & drinks
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