


Quality, orientation and networking in practice

Quality plays a central role not only in the standards for securitisations for TSI.
We apply the same principle in our diverse 
training and event programme 
which reaches well over 1,000 participants from all market sectors every year.

We prepare comprehensive securitisation know-how and related special topics for you, and the content is delivered by high-calibre experts from the field.

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September 2024

TSI Training | DE

Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, Ihre Expertise in der Verbriefung von Handels- und Leasingforderungen (ABCP und private Transaktionen) mit unserem umfassenden TSI-Training zu erweitern!

Das Training ist für Treasurer aus Unternehmen und Leasinggesellschaften, für Mitarbeiter aus Banken von der Markt- und Marktfolgeseite sowie Berater und Dienstleister von hohem Interesse.

Topics and formats

The formats we offer you range from established TSI training courses for beginners and advanced users to workshops, conferences and the annual TSI Congress in Berlin. We thus offer you a diverse platform for sharing ideas and information on current developments in the securitisation market and beyond. The link below will take you to an overview of the different formats and their target groups.


TSI Congress

The TSI Congress covers the traditional securitisation topics and also sheds light on the macroeconomic environment and related asset classes. Participants from the market, government and regulators are thus offered an exciting and comprehensive repertoire of topics. 


Calendar of events

You can view and register for all events in the current year in our calendar of events. Detailed information on the range of topics, agenda and speakers can be found under upcoming events.