TSI Special Training

28. April 2022

TSI Special Training

Kompaktüberblick Sustainable Finance und Verbriefungen

The event
28. April 2022

Microsoft Teams

295 EUR für TSI Partner
395 EUR für Nichtpartne

Sustainable Finance hat einen spezifischen Fokus auf Transparenzvorschriften für die Kredit- und Realwirtschaft. Diese Transparenzvorschriften stellen insbesondere auf die Taxonomie-Verordnung zur Klassifizierung als nachhaltig erachteter wirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten ab. Im Idealfall lenkt die Nachhaltigkeitsregulierung im Gewand von Sustainable Finance Finanzströme effektiv in nachhaltige Investitionen der Wirtschaft. Verbriefungen können einen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Transformation der Wirtschaft leisten. 

Das TSI Special Training bietet mit dem Modul „Kompaktüberblick Sustainable Finance und Verbriefungen“ einen breit angelegten Überblick für alle Fach- und Führungskräfte, die sich einen fundierten finanztechnischen Überblick zu den Themen der Verbriefung insbesondere im Kontext von Sustainable Finance verschaffen wollen.

Digitales, ungezwungenes Networking in der Pause und im Anschluss an die Veranstaltung mit Teilnehmern und Referenten. Flexibles One-on-One oder Kleingruppengespräche, spontan, flexibel und live mit Video wie bei Präsenzveranstaltungen. 

Seien Sie dabei im Coffee Break Room!


8.50 – 9.00 Uhr


9.00 – 9.20 Uhr

Begrüßung durch die TSI, Vorstellungsrunde
Jan-Peter Hülbert

9.20 – 10.15 Uhr

Einführung in die EU-Nachhaltigkeitsregulierung
Dr. Christian Fahrholz, TSI

  • Taxonomie-Verordnung
  • Offenlegungs-Verordnung
  • European Green Bond Standard
10.15 – 10.30 Uhr


10.30 – 11.25 Uhr

Einblicke in die Gesetzgebung: Wie geht die Reise weiter?
Laura Kaspar, Climate & Company

  • Politische Hintergründe zur EU-Gesetzgebung
  • Nächste Schritte in der Entwicklung der Nachhaltigkeits-Berichterstattung
  • Entwicklung eines European Single Access Point
11.25 – 12.20 Uhr

Implikation der EU-Nachhaltigkeitsregulierung aus Wirtschaftsprüfersicht
Andrea Flunker, Deloitte 

  • Regulatorische Neuerungen in der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung
  • Besonderheiten für Kreditinstitute / EBA Säule III Offenlegung zu ESG Risiken
  • Nachhaltige Finanzprodukte im Sinne der SFDR
  • Soziale Taxonomie & europäisches Sorgfaltspflichtengesetz
12.20 – 13.05 Uhr


13.05 – 13.35 Uhr

Spatial Chat

13.35 – 14.30 Uhr

Übersicht über grüne Kapitalmärkte
Christoph Plattenteich, SEB

  • DCM-Märkte und ESG-Labelling
  • Green Bond Frameworks und Second Party Opinions
14.30 – 15.25 Uhr

Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Verbriefungsrahmenwerks
Dr. Martin Kaiser, Ashurst

  • Verordnung für europäische grüne Anleihen (EU Green Bond Standard) und Rolle von Verbriefungen (EBA-Bericht EBA/REP/2022/06, März 2022
  • Bezug zu Taxonomie-Verordnung und Offenlegungs-Verordnung (SFDR)
15.25 – 15.45 Uhr

Resümee und Ausblick
Dr. Christian Fahrholz, TSI

Dr. habil. Christian Fahrholz
True Sale International GmbH
Christian Fahrholz is Director at True Sale International GmbH since November 2021. Prior to that, since April 2016, he was Head of Division at the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), where he was responsible for the impact of financial market regulation and monetary policy on corporate financing. Until leaving the DIHK in October 2021, he was a member of the Executive Board at the Verband Deutscher Bürgschaftsbanken e. V. (VDB).
Prior to joining DIHK, he was a visiting scholar at the Central Bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank) and worked as a freelance consultant for public and private clients in Egypt, South Africa and the United States. Earlier appointments included a visiting professorship at the Chair of Macroeconomics, in particular monetary theory, at the University of Erfurt.

Andrea Flunker
Director, Regulation, Accounting, ESG, Credit and Securitisation Advisory/FSI Assurance
Deloitte GmbH
Andrea Flunker has more than 17 years of experience in the field of Structured Finance and Securitisation services in Germany and the UK. She leads regulatory and accounting advisory projects for originators, investors and sponsors in various synthetic and true sale transactions. Her other focus is on sustainability reporting. In particular, she leads consulting projects on the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). In addition, she is responsible for assurance services on sustainability reportings or non-financial statements and post-allocation reports in connection with green bond issuances. Furthermore, she leads the Europe-wide Deloitte working group on the implementation of Art. 8 Taxonomy Regulation for banks, insurance companies and asset managers.

Jan-Peter Hülbert
Managing Director,
True Sale International GmbH
Jan-Peter Hülbert has been Managing Director of True Sale International GmbH since July 2018. He brings over 20 years of experience in the banking and capital markets business, including 16 years in securitisation on the banking side. Jan-Peter has been responsible for client transactions for banks, corporates and leasing companies in the public ABS, private securitisation and ABCP segments. He holds a degree in business administration from LMU Munich and is a member of the Supervisory Board of STS Verification International GmbH and of the Supervisory Board of European DataWarehouse GmbH.
Dr Martin Kaiser
Partner, LL.M.,
Ashurst LLP
Dr. Martin Kaiser, LL.M. is a partner in the finance department and heads the European securitisation team.
He specializes in securitisations and focuses on the true sale securitisation of loan, lease and trade receivables, both listed public transactions as well as ABCP programs and bespoke private transactions, e.g. NPLs and start-up and FinTech finance. His expertise also includes aspects of German and European regulatory law related to securitisations.

Martin Kaiser advises leading German and international banks, service providers (such as corporate service providers and trustees), leasing companies, car manufacturers and other corporates.
Laura Kaspar
CLIMCOM Berlin – Climate & Company – the private institute for climate research and training gGmbH
Laura Kaspar is an analyst at Climate & Company and leads a multinational research project to develop a certification scheme for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the field of EU taxonomy reporting. For the renowned Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, she successfully coordinates EFRAG's consultation process on European sustainability reporting standards and the process for integrating sector standards. With her background as an auditor at the European Court of Auditors, where she audited the European Union's sustainable finance legislation and provided extensive training to various departments, Laura Kaspar brings a wealth of experience to her role as an analyst at Climate & Company. Her expertise in corporate sustainability reporting, combined with her master’s in communications and her training as a Sustainability manager, underlines her commitment to driving significant change through effective reporting, stakeholder communication and corporate governance. In addition to her professional activities, Laura enjoys her Tyrolean heritage as an avid mountaineer and regularly immerses herself in the breathtaking nature of Austria.
Christoph Plattenteich
Co-Head of Debt Capital Markets & Head of ABS, DACH, Investment Banking, Merchant Banking
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) Frankfurt Branch
Christoph Plattenteich is Co-Head of Debt Capital Markets & Head of ABS, DACH at SEB in Frankfurt. He has more than 30 years of experience in banking and held various management roles at European financial institutions. Through all the years his main focus has been the capital markets an structured finance business. Christoph has extensive experience in structuring capital market transactions with a special focus on the securitization of trade-, loan- and lease-receivables.
He holds a degree in economics from the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.


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Stella Dubielzig

Leitung Veranstaltungsmanagement